White Asparagus with Honey & Goat Cheese

It’s finally asparagus season and this year I decided to start cooking more with white asparagus. For some reason green asparagus has always been my favourite and I rarely bought white asparagus because I thought it was less tasty - now I realize how wrong I was ans have started building a real passion for white asparagus. I always buy my asparagus from Jucker Farm as they have the best ones.

This recipe is not only super easy (literally 3 minutes of prep time) but it’s also extremely delicious. I love the honey/goat cheese combination but if you’re not a fan of goat cheese you can substitute it either with vegan cheese or feta. Make sure you don’t forget the sage as it will really elevate your dish and give it that extra kick.

Prep Time: 3 Minutes

Cooking Time: 35 Minutes

Ingredients for 6/7 White Asparagus (1 portion):

  • White Asparagus 6/7 (if you are doing tips only then 10 to 12 tips)

  • Honey - 2 Tbs

  • Olive Oil - 2 Tbs

  • Sage Leaves - 5

  • Semi Soft Goat Cheese (we used the goat cheese “roll”) - 30 g


  1. We start preparing this delicious dish by cutting and washing our asparagus. Make sure you are cutting off the hard parts at the bottom. We used only the asparagus tips but you can definitely use the entire asparagus.

  2. Once the asparagus are washed and cut into pieces of around 5/7 cm it’s time to marinate them - place them in a bowl, add the honey, olive oil and cut up sage leaves - mix well and place in the fridge for 2 to 12 hours (if you don’t have time to leave the asparagus to marinade you can also put it directly into the oven - it won’t be as tasty though).

  3. Pre-heat the oven to 200°C and take the asparagus out of the fridge.

  4. While the oven is heating up put the asparagus in a small baking pan along with the goat cheese and bake for 35 minutes at 190°C.

  5. Before serving the asparagus make sure you check that they are cooked - if not leave them another 5/7 minutes or until they are softer.


Homemade Lemonade


Arugula, Dates, Pistachio and Crumbled Feta Salad